
ADA Projects

Dyslexia - Dyskalkulia !?

The authors, Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller and Livia R. Pailer-Duller, describe in this publication the necessity of intervention at the educational-didactic level, which is of preeminent importance for success in the training of people who have problems with reading, writing or calculating. It is a fact that many people who simply have problems with learning how to read, write or do arithmetic continue to solely undergo psychological or medical therapy and don’t receive the educational-didactic assistance, which they would actually need. In cases of problems with reading, writing or calculating, only the specially trained educator will be able to help these people using educational methods, which were developed through educational-didactic research.

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This innovative new card game helps children with numeracy problems.

The concept behind it is amazingly simple: counting with cards.

Produced by the renowned Viennese playing card firm ‘Piatnik’, the cards use fun games to help in the learning of figures, quantities and basic arithmetic.

The deck is made up of four sets of colored cards numbered from 1 to 12, and also four Jokers which can represent the four basic arithmetical symbols.

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The Easy Reading Card - Easier reading with System!

Reading is the key to success. Anyone who reads well and who understands what has been read automatically learns the rules of correct spelling.

Precise, accurate reading is a prerequisite for writing and learning. The specific design for children of the Easy Reading Card makes reading easy and fun.

Teachers from around the world are already using the Easy Reading Card when working with children.

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