The AFS-Method is the result of qualitative and quantitative, empirical, educational research. This multisensory method, which development has been made possible by interdisciplinary co-operation, is based on the scientific knowledge that improvement of the writing, reading and calculating skills of dyslexic/ dyscalculic individuals solely by working on the symptoms is not possible.
Therefore, in order to counteract intermittent attention deficits in writing, reading and/ or calculating, the areas of attention, and further, function or sensory perception, must be honed with regard to symptomatology in order to counteract cognitive errors and enable directed assistance.
The method should be viewed as integrated, because the combination of prescribed structure and elective portions allow for this assistance to concentrate completely on the individual child’s problems. It is open to outside suggestions and improvements, all of the components are complementary and cooperative, so that the child receives the best possible help.